Shaping Future Of Solar Energy! As a world wide distributor of solar supplies we endeavor to provide fast and knowledgeable service, we can get you materials by sea or air. Improving Solar Energy Products As a world wide distributor of solar supplies we endeavor to provide fast and knowledgeable service, we can get you materials by sea or air.
Fostering Growth of Solar Energy!
Benefiting from 20 years experience in the solar material procurement sector and PV manufacturing.
Powerfull Strategy
Facilities meet high security requirements and are certified to the highest local
Award Winning
International supply chains involves of unknown risks and challenging regulations.
Accurate Testing
Utilising latest processing solutions, and decades of work experience.
We Are Ready For Solar Energy, All We Need Is To Use It Well!

The increase in extreme weather events and rising sea levels are unmistakable signs of climate change. Roughly 850 million people still live without access to electricity, which is the foundation of sustainable development.

How can we meet the growing demand for electricity while protecting our climate and make planet a better place?

Fostering the Growth of Solar Energy Market
A Leading Supplier Of Solar Materials For Manufacturers, And Contractors.

Our Solar business is focused on creating PV material solutions that reduce manufacturing costs, while improving the yield and performance of solar energy products. Our PV industry experience enables us to provide in-depth material sourcing, financing and supply chain expertise for every step.

Solar Panels

A PV module is an assembly of photo-voltaic cells mounted in a framework for installation.

Wind Turbines

The smallest turbines are used for applications such as the battery charging for auxiliary power.

Hydropower Plants

Hydroelectric power plants can include a reservoir to exploit the energy of falling water,

Fossil Resources

Green chemistry is attracting interest as it provides clean and green technologies.

We drive the transition to more sustainable, reliable & affordable energy systems, Find Your Solution
We drive the transition to more sustainable, reliable & affordable energy systems, Find Your Solution
Energize Society With Sustainable And Reliable Energy Systems!

In recent years, new capacity across the solar value chain become necessary to support the PV market’s growth. However, the capital required to establish and scale-up wafer, solar cell and solar module manufacturing facilities.

Save Your Money
Save money on utilities or increase the value of your home by installing solar panels as a great option.
5 Stars Customer Service
Understand that we must go above our customer expectations during each interaction always.
How It Works, Step One:
We Design & Ship.
We collaborate with you to design and deliver a system that meets your utility usage and needs, We also selecting equipment from 66+ manufacturers so you do not have to be worried or compromise with your money or with your effort.
How It Works, Step Two:
Contract Or Install
Whether you want to install the system or hire local contractors, managing installation yourself ensures the fastest return on your solar investment.We deliver a system that meets your utility usage and needs, We also selecting equipment from.
How It Works, Step Three:
Power Your Home
Even after your system is installed and operating, you can always count on Wholesale Solar to provide the support you need, just contact us at any time, and we will be there for you. Whether you want to install the system or hire local contractors.
99.9% Customer Satisfaction based on 750+ reviews and 6,154 Completed Projects.
Satisfied Users Over The Globe!
They helped lead me through the process of system selection, site layout and placing my order. They were very knowledgeable and has provided guidance each step.
They helped lead me through the process of system selection, site layout and placing my order. They were very knowledgeable and has provided guidance each step.
Martin Hope
Pro Systems
Alex S
Our Trusted Clients
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    1.0 MW
    Biskupice II

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    1.0 MW
    Biskupice I

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    0.5 MW

    Farma fotowoltaiczna wykonana w miejscowości "Małecz" o mocy 0.5 MW.

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    1.5 MW

    Farma fotowoltaiczna wykonana w miejscowości "Nowiny" o mocy 1.5 MW.

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    0.5 MW

    Farma fotowoltaiczna wykonana w miejscowości "Koluszki" o mocy 0.5 MW.

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    1.12 MW

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    1 MW

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    1 MW

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    0.99 MW

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    2 MW

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    1.85 MW
    Kolno B

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    1.85 MW
    Kolno A

    Farma fotowoltaiczna wykonana w miejscowości "Kolno A" o mocy 1.85 MW.

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    0.5 MW

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    1.75 MW

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    0.65 MW

    Farma fotowoltaiczna wykonana w miejscowości "Nowogród" o mocy 0.65 MW.

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    1 MW
    Stoczek Łukowski

    Farma fotowoltaiczna wykonana w miejscowości "Stoczek Łukowski" o mocy 1 MW.

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    0.92 MW

    Farma fotowoltaiczna wykonana w miejscowości "Tereszpol" o mocy 0.92 MW.

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    54 MW

    Farma fotowoltaiczna wykonana w miejscowości "Wielbark" o mocy 54 MW.

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    0.5 MW
    Zimna woda

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